Golden Time
We know that our children work extremely hard at school throughout the week and we believe that hard work and good behaviour should be rewarded and honored. Children that can demonstrate good and outstanding behaviour and attitudes in school awarded ‘Golden Time’, an opportunity to mix with other children across the school taking part in fun activities which the children themselves sign up for.
The ‘Traffic Light Warning System’ is used to monitor an individual’s good and poor conduct. Every child starts the day on ‘green’ and any poor, misjudged or misguided behaviour they will be given a warning and move along the system. Those children that end up a red light will lose some of their Golden Time and parents are informed on their child’s unsatisfactory behaviour, however, we strongly believe that every day is a new start.
Our Golden Time clubs include:
- Sport
- Board games
- Construction
- Animation
- Singing and Just Dance
- Papercrafts
- Art