School Curriculum
Follow the links below for more details about different aspects of our curriculum:
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
From September 2014 a new primary curriculum was introduced into all primary schools. Our aim is to ensure that we provide a curriculum which meets the needs of children at Millhouse within the framework of the National Curriculum.
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum aiming to provide children with a wide range of engaging and stimulating experiences to develop a love of learning. We provide challenge through organising work in different ways, encouraging children to use their initiative and become more responsible for their own learning. We aim to give equal opportunities to all children. Whenever possible we link subjects in a thematic approach in order to make them more relevant and engaging
Overall, we teach through topics relevant to our children, looking at our local community and exposing children to the wider world. We provide first-hand learning experiences in order to enrich themes through arranging high quality educational visits or visitors.
To find out more about the Millhouse School Curriculum: Curriculum map overview
Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage begins when children reach the age of three – many children first attend some form of pre-school or nursery. Children are admitted into Class 1 in the autumn term of the academic year in which they are 5.
The Foundation Stage consists of three prime areas:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
and four specific areas:
- literacy
- mathematics
- understanding the world
- expressive arts and design
Children are assessed against the EYFS Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception year.
Opportunities are provided for all children to succeed in a caring and supportive atmosphere where they feel valued. These early experiences create the basis for later learning in school and beyond.
Children progress from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1 where they start the new National Curriculum.
Key Stage 1
Millhouse Primary Curriculum Map KS1
Key Stage 2
Millhouse Primary Curriculum Map KS2
Y1 children currently undertake a statutory phonics assessment during the summer term.
Children at ages 7 (Y2) and 11 (Y6) will be assessed using the Government’s standard assessment tests. These are a mixture of teacher assessment and statutory tests. The results of these assessments are sent home with the child’s annual report. Regular assessment takes place in other year groups and this is used to help the school set targets.
Further information about the curriculum and school policies can be obtained by asking school staff or visiting the Documents and Policies section on our website. Rising Stars have also produced a useful guide for parents to the new curriculum.
The new national curriculum in English Primary schools – A guide for parents