School Council
Our School Council is made up of pupils from across the school. These pupils represent all of the children at school and bring their ideas forward to meetings.
At the beginning of each year elections are held and we are selected by our classmates to represent their views. We make sure that all children in school have their voice heard by holding regular class council meetings. We meet every fortnight to discuss issues which are important to our school and the views of all pupils. Our representatives from Class 5 act as chairperson and secretary of the meetings.
Our aim
We will work together with Mrs. Gray (with Miss Parkin’s help) to make our school the best it can be. To achieve this we will:
- share ideas about how to improve the school for all pupils
- listen to ideas and problems from our classmates and discuss these in meetings
- listen carefully in meetings so that we can give information back to our class
- make suggestions about how our school can help others for example supporting charities by holding fundraising events.
Here’s what we’ve done so far
We helped to choose our new headteacher by interviewing the different candidates. We asked them lots of questions and listened carefully to see who we thought would be the best headteacher for our school.
We surveyed our classes about which Golden Time Clubs they would like. We have lots of fun clubs to choose from.
We chose prizes for rewards in the assembly treasure box. We tried to select things different aged children would like.
We considered the school snack policy and decided it should be healthier. There is now a new snack policy in school.
What we’re doing
We are thinking about how we can improve playtimes. We want to think of ways to have more fun and be healthier.
We have chosen some new equipment which could be used to help improve play times by providing everyone with more to do.
Our School Council recently met with School Governor, Reverend Bee, to help develop the schools new values. Click here to view the photos.